A Note About Essence

I am not sure when exactly I wrote this, but it was about two or three years ago. It got lost in all the papers I shoved into a box at some stage (from desk to pile on desk to box in bookcase, as it were) and I rediscovered it the other day while gutting said box.

It was obviously directed at myself, but I think that it may be of use to others. I certainly feel the challenge and a sense of urgency. Continue reading

Romance is Dead! Long Live Romance!

About six months ago, I decided to put myself through a romance detox. That has now ended, albeit a few weeks later than anticipated. I actually forgot the date I started this lark. Now I realise it served little purpose (I’ll get to those in a minute, the little purposes it did serve), and well, it just seems it was a frivolous endeavour to embark on in the first place.

However, I did learn one or two things, and confirmed a few other things.

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They say that the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. But I’m not so sure that’s always the case. Personally, I’ve had a few thoughts stuck in my head and even my heart … (A thought stuck in the heart!) And I’ve been at loathe to share them because once something is out of your mouth, it’s out of your control and could have effects that are not beneficial to those they are intended for, despite your best intentions. So, some things need to be considered really well before they’re said, or not.

To this end, I read upon his handy formula. I’ve read it before, and it’s quite likely that you have too, but think it’s worth a post today. Perhaps it will help me too with these things I am keeping close to me.

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