My Solo Road Trip Down the Garden Route

After what can only be described as a challenging year so far, I decided to run away for a week. On my own. I haven’t done this in ages, since living in the UK and jetting off to Malta for 5 days, in fact, but I am glad I did it again! This is a short version of what I got up to along the Garden Route.

As can be imagined, I left as soon as I could after work on the Friday, as my first stop was four hours’ drive away. It’s only coming into spring, so my last stretch was to be in the dark. It was an especially tricky drive as it rained all the way from Somerset West (15 minutes from the office) to my destination, a farm. By the time I arrived, it was quite a muddy farm and there were gates to open in the torrent. It was great though, exactly the kind of remove I was looking for, and I was really just so glad to be on the road and on my trip with not a clue what to expect of the next 10 days. Having my car serviced a few days before the trip also helped. Continue reading